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Centrelink drug testing: In Qld it's not an offence to take drugs
Admission: Centrelink recipient "Dutchie" says what he'll do if he fails a drug test
CMC told police drug tests too costly
Not a fan of welfare drug testing
Christian Porter claims welfare drug testing will reduce ICE epidemic
Queensland Drug and Alcohol Court and Court Link—diversionary options for your clients
Logan Mayor Luke Smith not consulted on welfare recipient drug testing
30th May 2018 - James Hoey - The Queensland Drug and Alcohol Court - Version 2.0
Cure for COVID-19? The drug that has killed Coronavirus in the test tube | 60 Minutes Australia
16 October 2019 - Social Security (Drug Testing Trial)
Panel hearing - Supporting people living with mental illness and alcohol and drug use
Sovereign citizen gets roasted by quick-thinking cop